Wired & Wireless Networks

Articles about wired and wireless campus networks, including the eduroam and csuchico networks and the GlobalProtect Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Categories (4)

Campus Wireless Networks

Eduroam, csuchico, and csuchico-guest wireless network services.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

The University uses Palo Alto Global Protect VPN to allow users to make a secure encrypted connection to the campus network to access campus resources inside the campus border firewall from off-campus locations. The Global Protect VPN comes in 2 flavors:

AlwaysON VPN: For University owned and managed devices

OnDemand VPN: For student and other privately owned devices

Wired Network

Documentation and information about campus wired internet connections.


ResNet is the wireless service provided to the Chico State residence halls. The names of the networks are csuchico and eduroam which are broadcast throughout all of the residence halls. Eduroam is the primary network you will use for Wi-Fi on computers and mobile devices. The csuchico wireless network is provisioned for game console and smart tv connection. Students can use ResNet to do coursework, research, play games, access media, and connect with friends and family.

Technical support for ResNet is provided by IT Support Services in Meriam Library 142 and during the ResNet Fair the week before Fall semester begins.

ITSS can also be contacted via the following:

Phone: 530-898-HELP (4357)
Email: itss@csuchico.edu