Create a Department KB Review Report


How to create a report for reviewing your department's Knowledge Base articles, sorted by review date.


How to create a report for reviewing your department's Knowledge Base articles, sorted by review date.

1. Go to the IT Services tab.

2. Create a new Report.

New Report screen capture

3. Select Knowledge Base Report

Create Knowledge Base Report screen capture

4. Name and describe your report.

Name your report screen capture

5. Select the columns you'd like to use. Make sure to add the "Next Review Date" field. Here are the suggested fields:

Select the columns screen capture

6. Add an Owning Group filter. Include all department groups that you're responsible for. You will also choose the Next Review Date filter, and set it to "less than or equal to", "a specific date", and 01/01/2000 (the date is not important). Make sure to click the Prompt button as it will allow you to choose any date you want without having to edit the report every time you run it. 

Owning Group & Date filter screen capture

7. Order your report by Review Date, ascending.

Order your report screen capture

8. Save and Run your report.



Article ID: 114321
Mon 7/15/24 2:52 PM
Thu 7/18/24 7:56 PM