Adding An Outlook Room Calendar


Instructions on how to add an Outlook room calendar via PC and MAC.


Adding An Outlook Calendar via the Outlook Application on a PC

Adding an Outlook Room Calendar via the Outlook Application on your PC is a 3 step process. First, open the Outlook app on your machine and navigate to the calendar section. This can be found in the lower left of the application.

Navigating to the calendar section on the bottom left


The second step is to initiate a calendar search. To do so, right click on My Calendars, then hover over Open New Window.

Nagivating to "Open in New Window" on the bottom left


The Calendar will now open in a New Window. The final step in adding an Outlook room calendar is to enter the name of the calendar in the Room List search bar. To find the Room List first click Home.

Adding an Outlook room calendar


Second click Open calendar and choose "From Room List.."

Clicking on the Open Calendar and choosing "From Room List..." from drop down


Once you located your desired room calendar in the list, click the name from the list, then select ok.

How to find the desired calendar in the list in a new pop up window

Both calendars are now shown in your calendar. To create a new appointment within the new calendar just added, select the day on the calendar required for the appointment and choose New Appointment.

On to top left, click on New Appointment


You can also choose New Meeting: Meeting with All.
Clicking "New Meeting" and selecting "Meeting with All"


The final step to requesting the appointment once you have the calendar added is to make sure the "To" box is set to the shared Calendar of your choice, as shown below. To adjust this, click on the up/down arrows. The "to" and locations fields will auto populate. Create a subject such as "Meeting" Then, select your desired start and end times and click send.

Sending a meeting invite

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Article ID: 114122
Wed 6/26/24 4:36 PM
Wed 7/3/24 8:21 PM