Accessibility Error Messages in Cascade


Identifying accessibility error messages in Cascade, and how to correct them.


Image Without Alt Tag

error message for images without alt tag

How to fix:

 Include an image description. (See Accessible Images for how to write good alt text.)

Cascade screenshot on how to include alternative text

If your image is purely decorative or identified and described by the surrounding text, please check "Decorative" instead of entering an image description.

Image Without Appropriate Alt Tag

Cascade error message when an image does not contain appropriate alt tag

How to fix:

Image alt text must not contain the image's file name, a file extension, or begin with phases such as "image of" or "photo of".

Article on best practices for Accessible Images

iFrame Without Title

Cascade error message for iframe without title

How to fix:

Add the “title” attribute in the source code

1. In the edit view enter the Source Code pane.

entering the source code in Cascade

2. Within the <iframe> tag, add the title="" attribute and include your title within the ""

adding the title attribute

3. Click "Ok," and submit your changes. (Find more information about Frames.)

Tutorial video on adding title tag

Table Without Caption

table without caption tag error message

How to fix: 

Add the <caption></caption> tag in the source code.

1. In the edit view enter the Source Code pane.

entering source code in Cascade

2. Under the <table> tag, insert the <caption> tag and include a caption of your table.

caption tag in source code

3. Once finished adding the attribute, click "Ok" and Submit your changes.

saving changes in the source code within Cascade

If you have additional questions about Cascade error messages or web accessibility, please submit a Cascade Server Support ticket.

Element IDs Are Not Unique

element IDs are not unique

How to fix:

This error appears the most when creating accordions. Make sure every set of panel IDs are unique. Meaning every accordion tab should have a unique set of panels.

1. In the edit view enter the Source Code pane.

entering the source code edit mode

2. Within the source code search the identical panel ID sets. In this example as mentioned in the error, there are two identical sets of "panel2a" used for two different tabs causing the error.

identical tab IDs

3. The set of IDs should be identical for every tab. For the third tab, I will be renaming "panel2a" to "panel3a"

renaming panel2a to panel3a

The error has been corrected. 

Element IDs Are Not Unique within Kaltura Video

 When having many Kaltura video embeds the element IDs are not unique error will display. This is because the id="kaltura_player" is present within the video embed multiple times within the page.

Removing id="kaltura_player" from every video embed will remove the error.

locating the id tag that needs to be removed within Kaltura video embeds





Article ID: 113850
Tue 6/4/24 6:02 PM
Tue 6/4/24 6:02 PM