Podcasts and Transcripts


Learn how to embed a podcast on your website and how to use media.csuchico.edu to quickly generate a written transcript from your audio or video.

Embed a Podcast on Your Website

Outline of Steps

  1. Create a podcast with anchor.fm.
  2. Create a page on your website with a matching title.
  3. Copy the embed code from Anchor.
  4. Paste into the"Source Code" of your Cascade page.
  5. Add title="podcast audio - podcast title" into your embed code. Cascade will hide your audio or video if you don’t add the title into your <iframe>.

    Full code example:
    <iframe width="400px" height="102px" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://anchor.fm/casey-darr/embed/episodes/What-makes-a-good-podcast-ep6u8t" title="Podcast audio - What makes a good podcast?"></iframe>

Use media.csuchico.edu to Create Transcripts

Audio files existing on the university website must be accompanied by written transcripts to ensure the university meets accessibility standards and laws.

Outline of Steps

  1. Log into media.csuchico.edu.
  2. Top right: + Add New > Media Upload.
    1. Choose Unlisted under Publishing Status.
  3. Wait 5-10 minutes. Click your name in the top right, select My Media.
  4. Click on the file you just uploaded. If you allowed enough time and chose Unlisted, there should now be a written transcript available under the video box.
  5. Copy and paste the written transcript onto your page.
  6. Listen to audio while reading the transcript to easily fix errors.
  7. Format the transcript text to make it easier to scan and read.

Use Cascade “Stories” for Your Episode List

“Stories” is a blog-like feature in Cascade that works well for recent updates from your department or for listing content chronologically.

Examples of Cascade Stories

Outline of Steps

  1. Check to see if your site is using “stories”. Sometimes these folders will be renamed. See Examples of Cascade Stories above to help determine if your site already has a folder.
    1. You can copy the “stories” folder from the 3.0 Template Site in Cascade.
  2. Add Content > Pages > Story Page
  3. The index within the stories folder will automatically list pages chronologically based on when they were created.



Article ID: 113815
Tue 6/4/24 3:47 PM
Tue 6/4/24 5:49 PM