Students Don't Have Extra Time on Some Quizzes


Students with extra time accommodations might not see these adjustments on new quizzes due to the accommodations not automatically updating. Instructors can resolve this by using Accommodate HQ to re-apply accommodations.


Quick Links: | Environment | Solution | Root Cause |

Students who have been granted extra time accommodations (e.g., 1.5x or double time) for tests and quizzes may discover that their accommodated time is not reflected when they attempt to take a quiz. Instead, the quiz displays the standard time limit. This situation primarily affects students requiring additional time for their assessments and can impact their performance and experience in the course.


  • Canvas Learning Management System
  • Courses utilizing Accommodate HQ for student accommodations
  • Applies to quizzes created after accommodations have been set for students


To fix the issue of students not receiving their accommodated quiz time, follow these steps:

  1. From the course navigation sidebar, select Accommodate HQ.
  2. Navigate to Global - By Student.
  3. Select Update All to re-apply students' accommodations across all quizzes.
  4. Wait for the success message to confirm that the accommodations have been successfully updated.

This process ensures that all students receive the correct accommodations for their quizzes, including any additional time they are entitled to.

Root Cause

When a quiz is created after a student has been granted accommodations, those accommodations do not automatically apply to the new quizzes. This occurs because the system does not dynamically re-check for accommodations with each new quiz creation. Forcing Accommodate HQ to re-evaluate and re-apply accommodations using "Update All" ensures that all students receive the appropriate adjustments to their quiz durations.

Still need help? Reach out to Canvas support or the Technology & Learning Program for further assistance.



Article ID: 113734
Thu 2/29/24 1:39 PM
Wed 2/12/25 4:20 PM