How do I embed a YouTube video in a module?


This article guides instructors through embedding YouTube videos into Canvas Modules to enhance course content delivery.


Quick Links: | Prerequisites | Instructions |

You can embed YouTube videos directly into a Canvas Module, allowing students to access video content seamlessly within the course structure. This guide will walk you through the steps to add a YouTube video to a Canvas Module.


  • You must have a YouTube video link or know the topic of the video you wish to embed.
  • You need editing permissions within the Canvas course to add content to a module.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To embed a YouTube video in a Canvas Module, do the following:

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course and select Modules from the course navigation menu.
  2. In the Modules section, select the + button to add content to the desired module.
    described in text
  3. In the drop-down menu that appears, choose External Tool.
    described in text
  4. From the list of available tools, select YouTube.
    described in text
  5. When prompted, enter the YouTube video link into the search bar, or search for a video by topic. Select Embed when you find the correct video.
    Described in text
  6. Finally, select Add Item to place the video into the module. You can then drag-and-drop the video to reorder it within the module and ensure it's published.

Now your YouTube video is embedded within the module, making it accessible directly from the course module list.

Still need help? If you run into problems or still need help, reach out to the Technology & Learning Program



Article ID: 113723
Mon 2/12/24 1:49 PM
Thu 8/15/24 11:06 AM