Adding Perusall to a Canvas Course


Perusall is an interactive reading platform that encourages students to engage with their reading material through annotations, comments, and discussions. By following this guide, you'll be able to effectively integrate Perusall into your Canvas course, creating a more engaging and interactive learning environment for your students.


Quick Links: | Enable Perusall in Course Navigation | Link Ungraded Perusall Items | Manually Manage Graded Perusall Assignments | Get Help |

Perusall is an interactive reading platform that encourages students to engage with their reading material through annotations, comments, and discussions. Integrating Perusall into a Canvas course can enhance the learning experience by making reading assignments more interactive and collaborative. This guide will walk you through the process of adding Perusall to your Canvas course, creating deep link assignments, and optionally linking to Perusall course library items without associating a grade in Canvas.

Enable Perusall in Course Navigation

To start using Perusall, simply enable it in the course navigation and start building.

  1. Go to your course in Canvas, then navigate to Settings > Navigation.
  2. Find Perusall in the list of disabled navigation items, which may be towards the bottom of the list.
  3. Select the three dots to the right of Perusall and select Enable, or drag Perusall to the list of active navigation options.
  4. Scroll down and select Save to apply the changes.

Linking to Ungraded Perusall Library Items

You can add ungraded items from your Perusall library to modules in Canvas. To add an ungraded Perusall item to your module, do the following:

  1. Navigate to your Canvas Modules, and select + beside your desired Module.
  2. In the new window, select to Add External Tool, and select Perusall from the list of available tools.
  3. Perusall will show a list of assignments and documents from your course library. Select your desired item.
  4. Ensure the URL fills with
  5. Set the page name to your document/assignment name and enable Load in a new tab.
  6. Select Add Item, then publish it to make it accessible to students.

Manually Add Graded Perusall Assignments to Canvas

By default, Perusall will automatically create assignments in Canvas. If you'd like to handle this process manually, do the following:

  1. Configure Grade Sync:

    • In Perusall, navigate to Settings > Scoring > Grade Sync to LMS > LMS gradebook column management.
    • Set the option to Instructor creates deep links in LMS
      • Note: no Perusall gradebook columns will appear in Canvas until deep links have been created.
    • Select Save Changes.
  2. Create a Perusall Assignment:

    • Before creating an assignment in Canvas, first create your assignment in Perusall.
  3. Link the Assignment in Canvas:

    • Go to the assignment creation page in Canvas
    • From the Submission Type dropdown, select External Tool.
    • Select Find and find Perusall in the list of external tools. Once you've located Perusall, select it.
    • Perusall will present you with a list of assignments you have created. Select the one you wish to match with the Canvas assignment.
  4. Save the Assignment

Get Help

If you encounter any issues or have questions while integrating Perusall into your Canvas course, consider the following resources for assistance:

  • Perusall Support: For questions specific to Perusall, including assignment creation and grade synchronization, use the Perusall support resources available on their website.
  • Faculty Resources: The Technology and Learning Program offers resources and training for faculty on using educational technology tools. TLP empowers faculty to use educational technology to design courses that maximize student learning and offers personal consultation with one of our instructional designers. Request a course design consultation or, for fast support, Join the TLP Zoom Room Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

By following this guide, you'll be able to effectively integrate Perusall into your Canvas course, creating a more engaging and interactive learning environment for your students.



Article ID: 113714
Mon 2/5/24 7:01 PM
Fri 1/10/25 2:26 PM