Subscribing to Status Dashboard Notifications


Joining the Chico State Status Dashboard Team

Under your "Teams" tab in Microsoft Teams, at the bottom of the left sidebar click "Join or create a team." In the search bar, search for "Chico State Status Dashboard" and the team, as shown below, should appear. Hover over the team and click "Join team." 


Subscribing to Microsoft Teams Notifications 

Once you are added to the “Chico State Status Dashboard” Team, go to the “Alerts” Channel and click on the three dots that appear when you hover over it. Go to “Channel Notifications” and make sure notifications are set to “All Activity.”

This will ensure you are subscribed to all alerts from Status Dashboard. If you would like to unsubscribe, click “Off” under Channel Notifications.


Subscribing to Email Notifications

To sign up for email notifications from Status Dashboard, click the link here and complete the request form.

Requested For

This should auto-fill with your name. If it does not, begin typing your name and it should populate.


This should auto-fill as well, but if it does not, begin typing your department name to search for it. 

What Access are You Requesting?

Select "Status Dashboard Notifications"


If adding multiple users for email notifications, please enter those users here, including their Chico State email.  Only users with access to their "" email will be provided access. 


Unsubscribing from Email Notifications 

To unsubscribe from email notifications for Status Dashboard, follow the same link as above and complete the form again. In the "Description" box, provide your email address and request that your email be removed from subscriptions for Status Dashboard. 



Article ID: 113612
Mon 8/7/23 5:03 PM
Wed 3/20/24 2:38 PM