Canvas Sample Courses


Looking at examples of real course sites can be inspiring and helpful. The following are actual course sites created by Chico State instructors who have generously shared their content.


Quick Links: | NFSC 340 - Human Nutrition​​​​​​​ | CHLD 251 - Observational Techniques​​​​​​​ | BIOL 323 - Biology of Sex​​​​​​​ | EDMA 620 - Trauma-Informed Education |

Looking at examples of real course sites can be inspiring and helpful. The following are actual course sites created by Chico State instructors who have generously shared their content.

As you explore and create, TLP encourages you to consider both the Course Evaluation Checklist and the Mobile App Design Checklist.

NFSC 340 - Human NutritionA screenshot of Julie Holland's Canvas course home page for NFSC 340 - Human Nutrition

Julie Holland's course design uses a clear numbering convention for modules and the items within it to indicate module order, item order, and sub-items. She makes use of the Chico State template structure (with a touch of customization), which helps support students with a consistent look and feel across their courses.

  • Designed with a customized version of the fall 2023 Chico State Template layout
  • Uses Canvas Syllabus tool with clickable dropdown headers that expand for details
  • Modules organized with clear and consistent numbering and naming conventions
  • Visit Holland's sample course




CHLD 251 - Observational TechniquesA screenshot of Lindsey Nenadal's Canvas course home page for CHLD 251 - Observational Techniques

Lindsey Nenadal's unique course design leverages a single, yet brief page in each of 15 weekly Modules. Each page is organized into just four headers - Overview, To-Do List, Resources, and Looking Ahead - each heading with an icon as a visual cue to students.

  • Organized by single-item modules with all content for the week listed and linked on a single page
  • Syllabus as home page with important course information
  • Customized home page banner relevant to the course
  • Hides unused navigation items for a clean look
  • Visit Nenadal's sample course


BIOL 323 - Biology of SexA screenshot of Becki Brunelli's Canvas course home page for BIOL 323 - Biology of Sex

Becki Brunelli's course site, designed to accompany her in-person synchronous course, invites students to dive right in by utilizing a clean home page with images of the beautiful Chico State campus as buttons that link to a "Start your Journey" page as well as other important areas of the course.

  • Home page organized with clickable buttons leading to important areas of the course
  • Includes "getting to know you" introduction Slides and a confidential instructor-student survey
  • Leverages Canvas to supplement and provide materials for an in-person class
  • Weekly Modules used to assist with the flow and pace of the course
  • Module text headers used to break up content type (e.g., overview, lecturettes, assignments)
  • Visit Brunelli's sample course



EDMA 620 - Trauma-Informed EducationA screenshot of Ben Seipel's Canvas course home page for EDMA 620 - Trauma-Informed Education

Ben Seipel's online, asynchronous course site sequences students seamlessly through the content by including a "Start Here" button on the home page, modules designed such that students can click "Next" to get to all information and assignments, and embedding course navigation and Canvas instructions throughout via text, icons, and videos.

  • Heavily uses Canvas tools: Quizzes, Assignments, Discussions, and content pages
  • Embeds instructions and tips for students throughout course
  • Clear naming conventions for all items based on the modules in which they belong
  • Visit Seipel's sample course




Stay tuned for more sample courses!

Want to nominate a colleague's or your own?
Feel free to email TLP at to let us know to check yours out.



Article ID: 113595
Tue 7/18/23 3:52 PM
Mon 7/1/24 11:10 AM