Canvas Gradebook Import Issue with Specific Column Names


When instructors add a column titled "Final Grade" in Canvas and export the gradebook to edit it in Excel, they may encounter an issue when importing it back into Canvas. Canvas falsely claims that no grades have changed.


Quick Links: | Environment | Solution | Root Cause |

After exporting your gradebook from Canvas and making modifications in Excel, Canvas falsely indicates that none of the grades have changed when you attempt to import the file back into Canvas. This issue occurs when you add columns in Excel with specific names such as "Current Score," "Current Points," "Current Grade," "Final Score," "Final Points," "Final Grade," "Override Score," or "Override Grade."


  • Canvas
  • Excel or another spreadsheet program
  • Gradebook export and import functionality


To fix the issue where Canvas falsely indicates that none of the grades have changed, follow these steps:

  1. Open the modified gradebook file in Excel.
  2. Locate the column with one of the problematic names (e.g., Final Grade).
  3. Modify the column header by removing the problematic word while ensuring the number in parenthesis (column ID) or any other identifier remains intact. For example, change the header from Final Grade (X) to (X).
  4. Save the modified gradebook file with the updated column header.
  5. Repeat these steps for any other columns with the problematic names mentioned earlier.

Now, when you import the gradebook back into Canvas, the system will recognize the changes, and the grades will be updated correctly.

Root Cause

When importing a gradebook, Canvas utilizes specific algorithms to match the columns in the file with the corresponding grades in the system. Column names such as "Current Score," "Final Grade," etc., are treated differently by Canvas, causing the false notification that no grades have changed. By removing the problematic word from the column header in Excel, Canvas treats the column as a regular grade column, allowing it to properly recognize the modifications during the import process.

Still need help? Reach out to Canvas support or the Technology & Learning Program for further assistance.



Article ID: 113567
Fri 5/26/23 7:48 PM
Thu 8/15/24 10:20 AM