Viewing the Grade Roster
Once grade rosters have been created (typically the Friday before finals week) faculty will be notified that their rosters are ready for grading.
- Faculty will enter through the Faculty Center link via the Chico Portal:

- OR, if Faculty are in their regular PeopleSoft account, they can enter by navigating to Main Menu>HighPoint>Campus Experience>Faculty Center:

- Faculty rosters, both the class roster
and grade roster
show on the Faculty Center homepage.

- Click on the Grade Roster icon
. If a grade roster icon is not present the class may be a non-graded section or access has not been granted by the department.

- To enter grades, select the student’s grade from the drop-down box.

- Set the roster to “Approved” and hit
. If all grades are not entered in one session, you may save the roster and return later. If you do not save your work, you will need to enter the grades again.

More Tools
Printer-Friendly Button
To print a grade roster from the Faculty Center, click on the ‘Printer Friendly Version’ button at the bottom of the grade roster. Browsers or your operating system may affect the output from using the “Printer Friendly Version” button. If so, you may need to adjust your settings to print your roster.
Download Button
The download button
appears on the Faculty Center class rosters and grade rosters. It allows you to download your roster into an Excel spreadsheet. You may need to disable or turn off your pop-up blocker or change your browser for the download button to operate correctly.
Sorting Capabilities
PeopleSoft gives you the ability to sort by column headings. Your grade roster is automatically sorted in name order. If you would like to sort by any other column, such as ID number, just click on the column heading.
Still need help? Contact the Office of the Registrar at 530-898-5142 or
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