Enroll in Courses Through the Schedule Builder


How to Enroll in Courses Through the Schedule Builder in Student Center


Quick Links: | Prerequisites | Instructions | Troubleshooting |

This guide explains how to use the Schedule Builder tool in the Chico State Portal. Schedule Builder assists students in planning their class schedules for upcoming semesters. It provides a visual layout of class sections and allows students to easily add classes to their registration cart. This guide covers how to log in, use pre-filled classes from the Smart Planner, and schedule classes directly using the tool.


  • Access to the Chico State Portal.
  • Active enrollment or planning to enroll in courses at Chico State.

Step-by-Step Instructions

To use the Schedule Builder with a pre-filled schedule from the Smart Planner, do the following:

  1. Log into the Chico State Portal.
  2. Navigate to Student Center.
  3. Select ROAR, then Arrange Schedule Builder.
    Accessing Schedule Builder from the ROAR menu
  4. In the Schedule Builder interface, click on Build Schedule in the bottom-right corner.

schedule builder with pre filled courses

        Schedules will automatically populate with your selected classes. Browse through these using the top navigation bar.

  1. When you find a suitable schedule, select Enroll in the top-left corner.
    enroll button on schedule builder
  2. In the pop-up window, click the square next to SECTION to select all sections, then click Add to Cart.
    add to cart
  3. Verify that courses added to the cart have a green checkmark next to them. Courses already saved to the cart would be verified with a green checkmark next to it: If a course isn’t saved to the cart, then you can click the course name and save it:


To schedule classes directly from the Schedule Builder, do the following:

  1. Follow steps 1 to 3 as above to access the Schedule Builder.
  2. Adjust the Course Selection filters to find available class sections.
  3. Select Add Course.
    scheulebuilder-import courses
  4. Scroll to your newly added courses and select Select Sections.
  5. Choose the sections you wish to include in your schedule and then select Ok.
    sections ok
  6. Click on Build Schedule. The rest of the steps are similar to adding pre-filled classes.


  • If you cannot find certain courses or sections, make sure to adjust the filters correctly or check if the courses are offered in the current term.
  • For issues related to login or accessing the Chico State Portal, ensure your login credentials are correct and that you have a stable internet connection. If problems persist, contact the IT Support Center.

More information can be found at this Degree Audit web site.



Article ID: 113069
Tue 2/16/21 5:56 PM
Wed 1/15/25 2:28 PM