How to View What I Owe



Training Description:

This page will show you unpaid (outstanding) charges. View this page prior to a fee payment deadline to determine if there is enough pending financial aid to cover the unpaid (outstanding) charges.

  • Select “What I Owe” from the Dashboard Menu under “Financials”

Title: Dashboard menu and What I Owe page - Description: On the left side of the screen is the dashboard menu. Here,

  1. Display
    • Charges – itemized list of charges
    • Charges by date – groups charges by due date
  2. Email Outstanding Charges
    • When this button is clicked an email will be opened including all unpaid charges and pending financial aid
  3. Make a Payment
    • When this button is clicked a new tab will open and automatically log you into CashNet to make a payment
  4. Due Date
    • This section displays unpaid charges.
  5. Pending Financial Aid
    • This section displays accepted financial aid
  • In this window, you will be able to view all unpaid charges grouped by the due date or choose to view all itemized unpaid charges. You will also be able to view the unpaid charges by term.
    • You can select “Email Outstanding Charges” to open and send an email that includes unpaid charges and pending Financial Aid.
    • You can also select “Make a Payment” to log into CashNet to make a payment toward what you owe.

For further assistance contact Student Financial Services at 530-898-5936 or



Article ID: 113063
Tue 2/16/21 12:16 PM
Tue 4/23/24 12:52 PM