Update Google tenant to use csuchico.edu domain



In Process [In Process]

45% complete, updated on Tue 5/7/24 8:03 AM by Miroslav Lulic

Changed Percent Complete from 35% to 45%.
Changed Health from Yellow - At risk with corrective actions to Green - On track.
Initial comms sent to users.Test domain updated to csuc.edu. Working to setup process on how to change all the users. Building the communication plan for the rest of the project.


Mon 9/11/23 - Mon 6/3/24
Academic Technology
Project and Change Management Office / Information Technology Project Request
Operational / Maintenance Projects / Division of IT Maintenance Operations Projects
Green - On track
Project (20-230 Hours Effort)
Proposed milestones:
- Research steps and brainstorm possible ramifications
- Successfully make the changes in the csuc.edu test tenants (both Google, AAD, and O365)
- Develop support materials and communication plans for production transition
- Implement the changes in the production tenants
Thu 9/28/23 2:55 PM
Tue 5/7/24 8:03 AM

Change Impact

What are the consequences of not doing this project?
For example: direct significant negative consequences to the University, unable to conduct basic services; failure to resolve customer complaints or requests; loss of opportunity for improved service delivery or efficiency. Please explain.
Continued confusion from students, faculty, and staff. Loss of opportunity for clear and seamless SSO experience.
How many employees will be impacted by this change?
Select the size of the employee population that will be impacted by this request.
How many students will be impacted by this change?
Select the size of the student population that will be impacted by this request.

Project Costs

Funding Status
Funding is not necessary

Project Details

Divisional VP Support
Does your divisional VP support this request?
What would a successful solution look like?
What outcome will you have at the conclusion of this project? If this proposal is one of a multi-phase project, please explain your plans, goals, and timelines for subsequent phases.
The hope is that we can simply add the csuchico.edu domain to the tenant and set it as primary, then modify authentication to point to AAD instead of Shibboleth, but this will require research and testing in development instances and may require some outside consultation. Once we have the domain and authentication converted, I believe ESYS has the procedure to integrate into O365.
Executive Sponsor Division
The executive sponsor's campus division.
Information Technology
Project Urgency
Indicate if there is a mandate or requirement driving this request.
Required to keep a campus system running properly
Campus Enduring Commitments & Strategic Goals
For more information about the Campus Enduring Commitments and Strategic Priorities, please go to https://www.csuchico.edu/strategicplan/enduring... and https://www.csuchico.edu/strategicplan/.
Strategic Priority: Resilient and Sustainable Systems

Project Resources & Effort

DoIT Departments Involved
Any Division of IT departments that will be involved in this project.
ATEC (Academic Technologies)
ESYS (Enterprise Systems)
ISEC (Information Security)
ITSS (Information Technology Support Services)
OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer)
Complexity of Implementation
What is the complexity of the project?
Moderate (multiple interfaces/impacts/dependencies)
What is the solution type?
The solution type translates to the level of impact on IT staffing and technology maintenance. Based on consultation with your IT representative, pick the best fit for your proposed solution.
Upgrade to existing infrastructure/code


This project involves setting the primary domain of our Google tenant to csuchico.edu and changing authentication providers from Shibboleth/native Google to Azure Active Directory. We will look to integrate Google tools into the Microsoft Office 365 interface for our employees and students to provide a true single sign-on experience for both Microsoft and Google tools. This project involves a significant amount of research to determine what it will take.


Alternate Manager(s)
